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As educational office employees we affirm our belief that an education is the birthright of every person and pledge ourselves to the preservation of that right. We recognize the special province of the professional educator and the significance of the responsibilities assumed by the educator. We also recognize the unique role of educational office professionals and the importance of the contributions made in such a position.

Article I — Name — Fiscal Year

Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Ole Miss Association of Educational Office Professionals.

Section 2. The fiscal year of the Association shall be July 1 through June 30 of the following calendar year.

Article II — Purposes and Objectives

Section 1. The purposes of the Association shall be to promote the advancement of education by improving the quality of service by educational office personnel to institutions of learning and the profession.

Section 2. The objectives of the Association shall be to provide professional growth opportunities; recognize educational office personnel as members of the educational team; and elevate the standards of office personnel in education.

Article III — Membership

Section 1. All persons employed in any educational organization or retired therefrom, within Lafayette County, Mississippi shall be eligible for membership in the Association upon payment of annual dues. Members may elect to joint the local Association only; however, they are encouraged to become members of the Mississippi Association of Educational Office Professionals and the National Association of Educational Office Professionals.

Section 2. Rights, privileges, services, and obligations of each classification of membership shall be determined by the Board of Directors except as noted in subsequent sections.

Section 3. Members shall be eligible to vote, hold office, and serve on committees.

Article IV — Officers — Board of Directors

Section 1. The officers of the Association shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and two Directors — Membership Director and Publicity Director. These officers shall conduct the business of the Association in accordance with the governing documents and the parliamentary authority adopted by the Association.

Section 2. The Board of Directors shall be composed of the above officers and the immediate Past President.

Article V — Rules of Election

Section 1. Officers shall be elected annually in April and shall serve a one-year term with the exception of the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall serve for two years. Nominations shall be presented at the March meeting. Nominations may be from the Elections Committee, from the floor, or both.

Section 2. Voting shall be conducted by written ballot and mailed to all members.

Section 3. Candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected.

Section 4. Ballots shall be retained by the Chairman of the Nominations and Elections Committee for a period of one (1) year from the date of certification of the results of the election.

Section 5. Installation of officers shall be at the July meeting of the Association and shall assume their duties on the first day of the next fiscal year.

Section 6. Vacancies in elective offices before a term is up shall be filled by appointment of the Board of Directors.

Section 7. Candidates for office shall be members of the Association and shall have been a member for one (1) full year or longer by the time of nomination.

Section 8. The Elections Commission shall present a slate of candidates for each position.

Section 9. No member may hold more than one (1) elected office at a time. No officer may serve more than 2 consecutive terms in a particular office.

Article VI — Meetings

Section 1. There shall be a monthly meeting scheduled for the last Wednesday of each month.

Section 2. The President, with the consent of the Board of Directors, may change the date of a meeting with at least one (1) week notice to the membership.

Section 3. Special meetings may be called by the President with at least one (1) week notice to the membership. The President shall call a special meeting upon written request of five members. No business shall be transacted at the called meeting except that for which the meeting was called.

Section 4. A majority of the members in good standing, including at least two elected officers, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Article VII — Committees and Appointments

Section 1. The standing committees shall be:

  • Audit Committee Professional Development
  • By-laws
  • Professional Standards Program (PSP)
  • Membership Program
  • Newsletter Workshop
  • Nominations and Elections

Section 2. The President with approval of the Board of Directors, shall appoint all committee chairmen as necessary and desirable.

Section 3. Each committee shall be comprised of not less than three (3) members and shall serve a one-year term of office.

Section 4. The Board of Directors may authorize special committees.

Section 5. Guidelines, duties and responsibilities for each standing and each special committee shall be specified by the Board of Directors.

Article VIII — Affiliations

Section 1. The Association shall affiliate with the Mississippi Association of Educational Office Professionals annually.

Section 2. The Association may affiliate with the National Association of Educational Office Professionals annually.

Article IX — Workshops/Seminars

Section 1. Workshops may be planned in conjunction with or in addition to the monthly meetings.

Section 2. Workshops shall be open to all educational office personnel in Lafayette County.

Article X — Parliamentary Authority

ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER, latest edition, shall govern the conduct of all meetings of the Association and Board of Directors.

Article XI — Amendments

Section 1. Amendments to the Bylaws shall be submitted in writing to the Bylaws Committee Chairman. A report on proposed amendments shall be presented to the Board of Directors for information prior to presentation to the membership for vote.

Section 2. Proposals of the Bylaws Committee shall be provided to the membership no later than thirty (30) days prior to scheduled voting.

Section 3. Voting on amendments to the Bylaws shall be by mail ballot.

Section 4. A two-thirds (2/3) vote in favor of proposed amendments shall be required by adoption.

Section 5. Ballots from any bylaws referendum shall be retained by the Chairman of the Bylaws Committee for one (1) year from the date of certification of results of the referendum.